Marcela Ánimas Madrazo, Socia, Woods Ánimas
Lawyer specialized in environmental law and water resources with more than 20 years of experience. She has a law degree from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM); a Master in Environmental Policy and Management from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and several diplomas in compliance, real estate law, energy law and environmental law from ITAM and Escuela Libre de Derecho. She is a founding partner and in charge of the legal services area of Woods Ánimas law firm since 2018, where she provides legal advice to all types of sectors of the economy and projects in everything related to environmental and water issues. She serves as senior advisor to the Water Security and Legal Certainty Committee of the Consejo Consultivo del Agua, and the World Bank, on aspects related to legal certainty as a means for effective water governance and the strengthening of the national water concessions regime under a perspective of efficient use and reuse, as well as other measures that facilitate adaptive flexibility and resilience of the national water concessions regime to mitigate the effects of climate change. She is speaker on national water issues and has several publications in Mexico and Spain.

Massiel Azcona, Gerente Regional de Sustentabilidad, Grupo Modelo
Lawyer specialized in environmental law and water resources with more than 20 years of experience. She has a law degree from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM); a Master in Environmental Policy and Management from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and several diplomas in compliance, real estate law, energy law and environmental law from ITAM and Escuela Libre de Derecho. She is a founding partner and in charge of the legal services area of Woods Ánimas law firm since 2018, where she provides legal advice to all types of sectors of the economy and projects in everything related to environmental and water issues. She serves as senior advisor to the Water Security and Legal Certainty Committee of the Consejo Consultivo del Agua, and the World Bank, on aspects related to legal certainty as a means for effective water governance and the strengthening of the national water concessions regime under a perspective of efficient use and reuse, as well as other measures that facilitate adaptive flexibility and resilience of the national water concessions regime to mitigate the effects of climate change. She is speaker on national water issues and has several publications in Mexico and Spain.

Víctor Manuel Baez Melo, State Advisor for the State of Mexico, National Association of Water and Sanitation Entities of Mexico (ANEAS)
Law degree from Justo Sierra University with a Master's degree in administration. State Counselor for the State of Mexico of ANEAS; promotes actions for the strengthening of water utilities and contributes to the development of the state water sector by promoting public policies. Assistant director of commercialization of the water operator of the municipality of Zumpango. Advisor to the Attorney General's Office, litigation in civil and commercial matters.

Jean-Martin Brault, Especialista Senior en Agua y Saneamiento, Banco Mundial, México
Jean-Martin Brault is a Senior Specialist in the World Bank's Water Global Practice in the Latin America and Caribbean region, with over 15 years of experience supporting and leading operations, analytical and advisory services, and engineering in Latin America, West Africa, and the Middle East and North Africa. Jean-Martin holds a PhD in wastewater engineering from Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Canada, and currently focuses on wastewater treatment and reuse, fecal sludge management and inclusive urban sanitation, "smart" water management, as well as utility digital transformation

Jesús Campos López, Consultant and member of the Mexican Association of Civil Engineers
Civil Engineer graduated from the ESIA of the IPN. His professional development has been in planning, project management and management of water and road resources in the country. Throughout his career he has worked in the public and private sector. He has participated in the development of public policies and regulations that promote the growth of the water sector in the country. He also contributed in the definition of a program for the return of rights, allowing the collection of this concept to be reimbursed to the agencies with the commitment that they contribute a similar amount for the strengthening of their infrastructure. It has promoted the reuse of treated wastewater, encouraging the exchange of first-use water for treated wastewater with industry and agriculture for urban public use. It has promoted the evaluation of the economic impact of implementing policies and standards, and has participated in financial negotiations with institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, promoting the economic strengthening and development of the country.

María Cardenal del Peral, Analyst, Bluefield Research
Analyst focused on the municipal water reuse market in Europe. Prior to joining Bluefield, Maria worked in Brussels in different international organizations dedicated to migration and international security issues. She has also worked for UN-HABITAT in Spain on the New Urban Agenda in collaboration with different Spanish and Latin American entities and authorities. Maria holds an MA in International Relations and Global Affairs from the University of Nottingham and studied at Sciences Po Paris. She holds a postgraduate degree in Water, Hygiene and Sanitation for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action from the University of Alcalá de Henares.

Brenda Cárdenas Alvarado, Coordinator of Water Culture, State Water Commission, Querétaro
She is currently studying for a PhD in Knowledge Management Innovation Administration, her thesis is on a plan for the Social Water Management of the Metropolitan Area of Queretaro. She has a Master's Degree in Administration with a terminal line in Senior Management. She also studied a Master's Degree in Public Administration and a Specialization in Political Parties and Electoral Processes. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Journalism. She has participated in different courses and diploma courses in Mexico and abroad, related to Sustainable Development, Water Governance, Good Governance and Public Policy, Gender and Communication, and Transparency and Access to Public Information. She has more than 18 years of experience in the private and public sector. One of her main motivations has been to promote sustainable water management.

Rafael B. Carmona Paredes, General Coordinator, SACMEX
PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the UNAM. Researcher at the Institute of Engineering of the same university. From 2003 to 2015, he worked at the National Water Commission. In 2000, he was a Visiting Professor at Cranfield University, England, where he worked on the subject of Reliability in Engineering Systems and Risk Management. In 1995, the Academy of Scientific Research awarded him the "Prize in Technological Research"; in 1993 he received the National University Distinction for Academics in the area of Technological Innovation and Industrial Design, awarded by the UNAM.

Luis Ricardo Cataneo Fuentes, Technical Service Manager, Representaciones Mexicanas de Maquinaria y Equipo (Repmex)
Mechanical engineer with 10 years of experience in instrumentation of environmental and water measurement equipment both in the field and in the laboratory, carrying out projects for installations in the public and private sector, as well as research in hydraulic projects. He has received international training and specialized in installation of piezometers in hydrological basins.

Enrique De Haro Maldonado, General Director, Sistema de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de León, Gto.
Civil Engineer from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). He joined SAPAL in 1995 as a work supervision assistant; then he joined the Sewage Department and in 1999 he was appointed head of the Network Maintenance Department. In 2016 he took the position of Manager of Drinking Water and Sewerage, and in 2018 he was given the assignment to be in charge of the office of the General Management and due to the good performance obtained, he was appointed as General Director of SAPAL.

Claudia de la Vega, Vice President Corporate Affairs, HEINEKEN Mexico
Claudia has more than 15 years of experience in the Corporate Affairs function: ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance), sustainability, internal and external communications, as well as government relations in the consumer, consulting and non-governmental sectors, and has held various positions, including leadership in Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability, Institutional Relations, Economic and Political Analysis, and Corporate Communications. She is also a professor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, where she has taught the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility. Her previous professional career includes responsibilities in various companies and sectors, such as General Electric, Carter Companies Walmart Mexico and Central America, among others.

José Mario Esparza Hernández, Assistant Director, Monterrey Water and Drainage Service (SADM)
Industrial Engineer with a Master's Degree in Environmental Management; he has more than thirteen years of experience in the water sector in the areas of civil society organizations, and state and federal government. He was Operational Manager of the Rio Bravo Basin Council, managing water issues from a governance perspective covering five northern states of the country, considering all water uses; one of the most outstanding positions was that of Deputy Director General of Drinking Water, Drainage and Sanitation of the National Water Commission, attending the National public policy in this field. He currently serves as Deputy Director at Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey; water operator in the State of Nuevo Leon.

Ana Paula Fernández del Castillo, Socia-Fundadora, Initiatives for Sustainable Development
Chairman of the Board of World Vision Mexico. Member of the Advisory Board of the School of Social Responsibility of Universidad Anáhuac. Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Sustainability Committee of Murano. Member of the Metropolitan Regional Board of Grupo Financiero Banorte. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture from Universidad Anáhuac, a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa (IPADE), and is a PhD candidate in Innovation and Social Responsibility from Universidad Anáhuac. She also has specialties in Board Management from IPADE, Sustainability from Harvard, Finance from Tecnológico de Monterrey and ITAM, Strategic Planning from IESE, and Social Impact from Flacso and Colmex. Specialist in Sustainable Infrastructure.

Román Gómez, Mexico Country Representative, 2030 Water Resources Group
Architect and Urban Planner from the Universidad Iberoamericana; with a Master's degree in Urban and Environmental Planning from the Brookes School of Urban Planning in Oxford and a PhD in Development Planning from the Bartlett School of the University College London. He has several complementary studies at MIT, the Said School of Business, the University of Berkley, CIDE, the University of Essex, and UNAM. Throughout his professional career, he has held several positions, including: Senior Advisor to the General Sub-Directorate of Planning of CONAGUA (2003-2007); Member of the Secretariat of the 4th World Water Forum; Coordinator of Advisors of the Management of Basin Councils of CONAGUA (2002-2003); Chief Technical Advisor of the United Nations Human Settlements Program, UN-HABITAT (2007-2013). He has also been a consultant on water resources management and urban planning for the Inter-American Development Bank, the Andean Development Corporation and the World Meteorological Organization.

Rogelio Gutiérrez, Business Consultant
Electrical engineer by the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica del IPN with experience in the last 30 years in execution of industrial projects, construction and diagnostics for rehabilitation of wastewater treatment plants with new technologies to improve efficiency and cost of operation. In the industry he has participated in the training of technicians, operators and engineers for good pumping practices, control and electrical protection in manufacturing and petrochemical plants collaborating with contractors and engineering firms.

Dante Sinohé Hernández Padrón, Subgerente de Regulación Técnica del Agua, CONAGUA
Civil Engineer from the Universidad Michoacana 1999-2004, Master's degree in hydraulic engineering with honors from the UNAM 2006-2008, worked from 2004-2006 in the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Universidad Michoacana, in 2009 as Project Manager for works analysis in Federal Zones at CONAGUA, 2010-2015 as a Hydraulics Specialist at IMTA, and currently since 2016 working at CONAGUA as Assistant Manager, he has participated in projects on issues related to droughts, drinking water, network modeling, environmental recovery of basins, water supply and treatment systems through alternative technologies, such as rainwater harvesting and artificial wetlands, hydraulic modeling of riverbeds, among others.

Patricia Hernández Martínez, Director General, ANEAS
She holds a Master's degree in Governance and Globalisation from the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP). She has served as Legislative Director of the Commission of Water, Infrastructure and Water Resources in the Congress of the State of Guerrero, Deputy Director of Management at the Commission of Drinking Water, Sewerage and Sanitation of Guerrero; Deputy Director of ANEAS and since October 2022 she is Director General of ANEAS.
Jessica A. Hernández Ortiz, Water and Green Infrastructure Manager, World Resources Institute (WRI)
She is an Electronic Systems Engineer, with two master's degrees, one in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto and the other in Public Management from the Tec de Monterrey. She has more than 20 years of experience working with public and private sector entities in the financing and implementation of public infrastructure projects and programmes. She has served as Project and Program Manager at the North American Development Bank, Studies and Projects Manager at the National Water Commission of Mexico and as Associate Director for Latin America at the Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities program. She has collaborated in the planning and development of more than 50 water and sanitation projects, energy efficiency programmes for water utilities and green infrastructure initiatives with a total investment of more than 700 million dollars.

Salma Jalife, President, Centro Mexico Digital
Computer Engineer from UNAM and Master of Science in Telecommunications from the University of Colorado at Boulder. In-depth knowledge of telecommunications and broadcasting policy and regulation. She has 35 years of experience as an information and communications technology consultant in Latin America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Winner of the award: Women in the Digital Economy in the Community category awarded by ALAI, IDB, ECLAC, Equals ITU and ConnectAmericas (2022). She was Undersecretary of Communications (2018-2020) and Commissioner of the Federal Telecommunications Commission (2003-2006).

Walid Khoury, Member of the Advisory Committee of the Water and Environment Federation (WEFTEC) and Managing Director at Desalytics, UAE
Walid has 20 years of water industry leadership in GE, Danaher and Nalco. He founded Desalytics Water Solutions in 2020 to help solve Africa's water challenges. He is a water industry influencer and content producer with 32,000 LinkedIn followers. Walid holds a Masters in Management from Harvard University, Masters in Water Sciences, and Bachelor of Engineering Water & Environment.

René Lobato Sánchez, Senior Water Technologist B, Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA)
Civil Engineer by the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, (MSc) in Hydraulic Engineering by the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Great Britain; (PhD) in Hydrological Sciences by the University of California, Davis, United States. His lines of research and technological development focus on hydrometeorological early warning systems, extreme weather and climate events (droughts and floods), climate change, numerical modeling of the atmosphere, climate variability and the hydrological cycle emphasizing soil-plant-atmosphere processes. Professor of the Postgraduate Unit in Water Sciences at IMTA and has taught courses at universities in Mexico and abroad. He has participated as director and advisor in tutorial committees for undergraduate, masters and doctoral students.

Mario López Pérez, International Consultant on Water Resources and Climate Change
Master of Science from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom and Diplomas in Water Resources Management from Colorado State University / University of Sao Paulo, and from the International Water Organization of France. He has 42 years of professional experience in the Mexican Water Sector (Conagua and IMTA) and since 2019 he is a consultant for the World Bank in the Middle East and North Africa regions and the 12 countries of Southern Africa, AGWA, UNCCD, GWP Central America, the International Research Center for the El Niño Phenomenon - Ecuador, TNC, World Meteorological Organization, IDB and Pronatura Mexico. Keynote speaker, panelist, moderator and organizer of national and international events in 44 countries. 2022 received the Francisco Torres Herrera National Water Professional Practice Award from the Mexican Hydraulics Association.

Héctor Luna, Director of Energy and Infrastructure, Embassy of the United Kingdom in Mexico
Civil Engineer from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and studied his Master's degree in public policy with a focus on energy and environment at Duke University in the United States. He collaborated with the non-profit civil association "Power for All", based in San Francisco, CA, which promotes distributed generation projects to connect remote communities in Africa and Asia. Prior to this, Hector worked as a Climate Change Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and as an Energy Consultant for the International Finance Corporation (IFC). He also worked at the Mexican Energy Council (COMENER) and at the Mexican Embassy in the United States. His experience includes management of water and clean energy projects, public policy analysis in the energy and environmental fields, and business development in the energy and infrastructure sectors.

Marissa Mar Pecero, Water Education and Communication Expert, Rio Bravo Watershed Council
She is a communicologist FCPyS-UNAM, Master in Public Policy by the UP. Some of the organisations with which she has collaborated are the Chamber of Deputies, CONAGUA, the Federal Institute of Telecommunications, the Rio Bravo River Basin Council, Water Operating Agencies and UNESCO's Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme in Latin America. In these he has advised, designed, coordinated or contributed to programmes and projects such as the transition to Digital Terrestrial Television, the creation of the Federal Law on Transparency and Access to Information, the IV World Water Forum and the 2030 Water Agenda. She is a member of the Mexican Network of Hydrographic Basins, the Community of Women in Water, and the Water Advisory Council, among other organisations.

Verónica Martínez, Water Security and Resilience Program Coordinator, World Bank - Mexico
She holds a Law Degree from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and a Master's Degree in International Law and International Relations from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. With more than 15 years of experience in water issues, Verónica served as Technical Secretary of the Special Commission for Integrated Water Management in the IV Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District, during which time she also served as General Coordinator of the Mexican Alliance for a New Water Culture. From February 2008 to March 2014, she held the position of Project Coordinator of the Consejo Consultivo del Agua, an organisation dedicated to promoting the sustainable use of water in Mexico. She later served as Executive Director of the same organisation.

Tatiana Mazzei, Latin America Manager, INTEMA / Aqua-Aerobic Systems
She holds a Master's degree in Materials Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 200. University education includes a degree in Chemical Engineering with a major in Production Engineering from the Universidad Metropolitana, in Caracas Venezuela. Tatiana has worked in the wastewater treatment industry and its application in engineering knowledge since 2007 in the United States of America. Between the years 2001 to 2005 her experience in Venezuela included the wastewater and industrial water treatment industry.

Grisel Medina, Deputy Manager of management and evaluation of projects with external credit, CONAGUA
B.A. in International Relations with a specialization in official development assistance and a master's degree in public policy and gender from FLACSO. Her professional activity has focused on international financing issues, mainly from international financial organizations such as Nacional Financiera, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, the Tax Administration Service and the National Water Commission.

Josiah Menako, Microbiologist and Wastewater Technician, Microbial Discovery Group
Bachelor’s degree in microbiology. 10 years of microbiological experience related to R&D, and environmental bioaugmentation. Currently using wastewater technical service experience to help companies and end users to benefit from bioaugmentation at hundreds of facilities around the globe. Frequently present in North America and internationally to companies and end users to educate on using bioaugmentation to benefit wastewater systems from municipalities and industries with biological wastewater treatment.

Eduardo Mestre, Senior Advisor, The International Water Foundation
Civil Engineer from UNAM; Masters in the United States, postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom and PhD studies in Spain. Expert in water resources planning; irrigation and drinking water and sanitation services; water infrastructure projects; information for water management and water public policies and their implementation. High level public positions in the water sector in the governments of Mexico (he was part of the original CONAGUA team) and Spain. Senior specialist consultant in more than 40 countries in four continents for the World Bank, IDB, CAF, AFD and KfW. Former president of the Mexican Hydraulics Association and vice-president of the Mexican Association of Civil Engineers. Member of the Global Water Partnership and member of the Mexican Water Advisory Council.

Henry Moth, Operations Manager, Reynolds Industrial Supplies / Red Meters LLC
He is an outstanding professional with extensive experience in the development of innovative solutions for water monitoring and treatment. His deep knowledge in engineering and technology has allowed him to lead successful projects in diverse industries, such as oil, mining and dredging. His focus on improving the quality of life of communities affected by water pollution demonstrates his commitment to social and environmental responsibility. With strategic skills and a strong vision, Henry drives the adoption of advanced technologies for wastewater treatment and the preservation of water resources.

Luis Carlos Olarte Tarache, Associate Investment Officer, International Finance Corporation - World Bank Group
Economist from Universidad del Rosario in Bogota Colombia, with a Master's degree in Finance from the EGADE business school of the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey. He has participated in the structuring of innovative infrastructure projects in different sectors such as water, transportation and energy in Mexico, Central America and Colombia based on IFC's environmental and social sustainability performance standards. He currently works as an Associate Investment Officer at the IFC (World Bank Group) advising National and Subnational Governments in Mexico and Central America in structuring infrastructure projects to attract private investors. Prior to IFC, Luis Carlos worked at Deloitte in the financial advisory department for infrastructure projects and at the Ministry of Finance in Colombia.

Eduardo Ortegón Williamson, Director of Technology and Innovation, Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey
Chemical Engineer by the Tec de Monterrey, he has a Master in Business Administration by IPADE, a Master in Public Administration and Public Policy by the Tec de Monterrey and a Specialization in Energy Law by the UDEM. He is Director of the Mexican section of the American Water Works Association. He has participated as a speaker in different international forums, most recently at the World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden.

Adriana Palma Nava, Academic Technician, Institute of Engineering, UNAM
She obtained a degree in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, UNAM, with a Master's and PhD in Hydraulics from the same institution. She currently collaborates in research projects sponsored by the Hydraulics Coordination of the Institute of Engineering, besides being a professor of different subjects. She stands out for her contributions to the development of numerical models of aquifers, methodologies for integrated watershed management, management of aquifer recharge, effects of climate change on groundwater flow, management plans and sustainability assessment of aquifers. She is coordinator of the aquifer recharge analysis group of the UNAM Water Network.

Juan Carlos Pardo, Director of Corporate Affairs and Creating Shared Value, Nestlé Mexico
Honorary Doctor from the American International School of Law and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the Tec de Monterrey. He has 20 years of experience in international corporations in Mexico and Canada. He is currently Director of Corporate Affairs at Nestlé Mexico, responsible for ensuring the continuity of the business through the correct positioning and reputation of the corporate brand with the various external stakeholders as well as the sustainability of the company in Mexico.

Karina Peña, Co-Founder & CEO, FieldFactors
Co-founder and CEO of FieldFactors, the Dutch startup that is using rainwater as a sustainable source for water supply in several European cities. A Master's graduate in Landscape Intervention and Management (2011, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain) and Architecture (2007, PUCMM, Dominican Republic), Karina has 15 years of experience working with public and private agencies on innovation projects in water management and infrastructure, creating more livable urban environments in Europe. In 2016, Karina founded the innovative water technology startup FieldFactors with the vision of restoring the natural water cycle in cities. FieldFactors has received several international awards and recognitions, such as the Urban Water Challenge in 2021, and support from the Climate KIC Europe Innovation and Technology program in 2018.

Diana Ponce Nava, Consultant
She holds a law degree from UNAM Law School and a master's degree in international law from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Since 2011, she has been a consultant in sustainable development and land use planning, advising international agencies, companies, civil society organizations and agencies of the three levels of government, in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of development projects, mobilization of financial resources, public policies, as well as compliance with regulations. She was Mexico City's Procuradora Ambiental y del Ordenamiento Territorial (Environmental and Land Management Attorney), and was Deputy Attorney General of Natural Resources at PROFEPA. She has participated in international negotiations on global issues. She was also Advisor to the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya. Among her academic activities she teaches at various universities and institutes of higher education.

Carlos A. Puente López, Director for Water, Energy and Environment, BANOBRAS
Passionate economist dedicated to infrastructure financing, public-private partnerships and project development for the last 25 years. Since 2013 he has held the position of Director of Water, Energy and Environment Projects at Banobras, where he is committed to the financial and operational sustainability of the water and waste sectors in Mexico.

Rodrigo Riquelme, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Civil Engineer specialized in hydraulic works from the University of Chile. He also holds a Master's degree in Environment and Water Resources from the University of Birmingham and an MBA from the University of Leicester, both in the United Kingdom. He has more than 20 years of experience in analysis, development and implementation of infrastructure projects in the water sector. He has been with the water and sanitation division of the IDB for 12 years. Previously he worked for more than 10 years in the private sector with water sector operating companies in Latin America, UK and Australia in operational sustainability, planning, infrastructure management and physical asset management. In the solid waste sector he has managed municipal solid waste projects including design, contract development, procurement and construction.

Raul Rodriguez, President, Water Advisory Council
He has extensive experience in the public and private sector, where he has served as Secretary of Finance and Planning of the State of Zacatecas, and is currently its representative in Mexico City. In the private sector, he has served as Managing Partner of GCI; as Treasurer of the Food, Beverage and Tobacco Sector of CANACINTRA, as National Advisor of the Association in Favour of the Best, and as a contributor to Bloomberg Financial. He has also served as Director of Corporate Relations of Grupo Modelo; President and CEO of construction group GARUMI SA, and Advisor to the Director; and former President of Procab.

Hugo Rojas Silva, Director General, ANEAS
Bachelor in Economics, Master in Business and Economics and currently pursuing a PhD in Economics in the area of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (UNAM). Former Director of the National Association of Water and Sanitation Entities (ANEAS), Deputy Director of Strengthening in ANEAS, Director of Planning of the Water Operator of Puerto Vallarta (SEAPAL), undergraduate and postgraduate professor in subjects related to Economics at the University of Guadalajara (UdeG).

Jorge Rubio Olivares, General Director, Sistema de Agua Potable, Alcantarillado y Saneamiento de la Piedad (SAPAS) Michoacán
Civil Engineer with a specialty in environmental engineering graduated from the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. He has taken several courses and diplomas, among which stand out the course of Management of Operating Organizations given by the Universidad Autónoma de México and the International Seminar of Sectorization in Potable Water Networks with headquarters in Israel by the company DOROT. With 32 years of experience in the water sector, he has worked in various operating organizations in the State of Michoacán as: General Director in Ciudad, Hidalgo, Deputy Technical Director in Zitácuaro, Technical and Administrative Advisor in Yurécuaro and General Director on two occasions of the Drinking Water, Sewerage and Sanitation System of La Piedad Michoacán for twenty-two years accumulated to date. He is currently state councilor for the state of Michoacán and Treasurer of the National Association of Water and Sanitation Companies of Mexico (ANEAS) and representative to the council of the Lerma-Chapala basin as a member for urban public use.

Gerardo David Saavedra Sierra, Water and Sewerage Manager, Water and Sewerage System, León, Guanajuato
Civil Engineer from the Universidad Iberoamericana León, Diploma from the Technological Institute and Higher Studies of Mty., in Development of Management Skills, Diploma from the Technological Institute and Higher Studies of Mty., in Finance. Eng. Saavedra has held several positions, among which are: Resident of Urbanization Works at Constructora y Arrendadora de Maquinaria; Superintendent of Paving Works and Hydraulic Works in Machinery Construction and Leasing Company; Network Maintenance Supervisor in Drinking Water and Sewerage System; Sectorization Coordinator in Drinking Water and Sewerage System; Head of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering in the Drinking Water and Sewerage System, all in León, Guanajuato.

José Antonio Tello Carrasco, Water Director, Center for Studies and Research in Public Affairs, Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Asuntos Públicos
Degree in Political Science from ITAM. Master in Local Development from the ISS of the Netherlands, and in Administration and Public Policy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. D. in Natural Resources Conservation from CIBNOR. He worked in the Federal Government of Mexico for more than 10 years, as Chief of Advisors of the Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine, and in the Customs Administration, among others. He has been a consultant for NatGeo, GIZ, WWF and the CEC. Currently, he is Director of Water at the consulting firm Centro, where he promotes the adoption of innovative solutions, public value and intersectoral confluence in the field.

Rafael Val Segura, Vice President, Mexican Association of Engineering and Water Sciences
Civil Engineer and Master in Hydraulic Engineering from UNAM, with a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He has extensive experience of more than 20 years of professional career with practice in the hydraulic sector focused on efficiency, management and use of water. He currently works at UNAM as Executive Coordinator of the Water Management, Use and Reuse Program on the UNAM campuses; He is also vice president of the Mexican Association of Engineering and Water Sciences (AMINCA). He served, from 2019 to January 2022, as Director of Citizen Concertation of the Water System of Mexico City. Since 2017 he has been the Regional Coordinator of the Working Group on Water Education and Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Program (IHP-UNESCO). Recognition within the 50 leaders of the water sector in Mexico, by the magazine Los 300 leaders in the July 2021 magazine.

Eduardo Vázquez Herrera, Executive Director, Agua Capital
Graduated in Law from the Universidad Iberoamericana; Diploma in Public Management from CIDE and the University of Colorado, as well as a Master's Degree in Political Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science. It was received from the International Sustainability Program of El Colegio de México and LEAD International (Cohort XIII), and from the International Sustainability Diplomacy Program of the Sustainability Challenge Foundation, IPMS (Cohort 19a). In the water sector, he has collaborated for 15 years and has extensive experience in the public, social and private sectors, with an emphasis on Public Affairs and Institutional Relations. He was Executive Director of the Water Advisory Council. Currently, he is Executive Director of Agua Capital, whose mission is to promote water security in the Valley of Mexico.