Doing Business in Mexico

Doing Business in Mexico

Benefit from opportunities & investments in the Mexican & LATAM water markets


How to do business in Mexico

Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America. Due to its great diversity of climatic and geographical conditions, Mexico is exposed to severe weather events that cause damage to the population, to infrastructure, to services and production systems. It also has many challenges with regards to water scarcity, water infrastructure and reuse. Do you offer solutions to water related challenges? Doing business in Mexico may be extremely profitable for you.

Business opportunities in the Mexican market


Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America, the 14th economy in the world. GoldmanSachs predicts that Mexico’s economy will be the 8th in the world by 2050. According to the Mexican Chamber of Construction Industry (CMIC) after the Ministry of Communications and Transportation and the energy sector, the hydraulic sector is where most is invested in the country. According to the Global Water Market study, to meet the objectives of the 2030 Water Agenda to improve supply and domestic quality and for agriculture, an investment of US $79 m is required from 2010 to 2030.

Water Infrastructure

One of Mexico’s main objectives is to ensure the supply of water through the increase of water infrastructure, both to ensure water for human consumption and agricultural irrigation, as well as for sanitation and flood protection.

Tips & Tricks

You’ve never done business in Mexico, and you’re not sure what the customs are. No need to worry, here are a few tips and tricks on what you should do, and what you can best avoid.

Insights in Mexican businesses 

Are you curious not only what business opportunities lie ahead in Mexico, but also about the Mexican culture? We’re happy to share these insights on Mexican culture, societal differences, business etiquette and customs.