


Navigator range

Navigator range

Measurements in UPW and water-steam cyclus

The navigator range of analyzers of ABB are designed for high pure water treatment and applications and power cycle chemistry monitoring. Applications in the Navigator range are: Hydrazine, Oxygen, Phosphate, Silica and Sodium. The analyzers are available from 1 to 6 sample streams. Also separate analyzers for acid-, degassed and/or specific Conductivity, Nitrate, pH, ORP and Turbidity are available.

Aztec Range

Aztec Range

Reliable online monitoring for potable and waste water applications

The Aztec analyzers of ABB are a range of compact, yet reliable, online ion-selective and colorimetric analyzers designed for monitoring key parameters in water treatment like Aluminium, Ammonia (ISE and colorimetric), Color, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese (high and low range), Phosphate. Each analyzer is available in 1 to 3 sample streams with automatic calibration. Also separate analyzers for Conductivity, Nitrate, pH, ORP and Turbidity are available.

UviTec UV and fluorescence probes

UviTec UV and fluorescence probes

From portable field meters, to real-time single parameter sensors or multiple-parameters all in one sensor system

Provide rapid and accurate detection of water quality parameters. Our continuous online remote monitoring solutions can provide up to the minute insights about parameters and compounds such as BOD, COD, TOC, DOC, UV254, UVT, Nitrates, Nitrites, BTEX, Hydrocarbons, TSS, Colour, Dyes, Chromium VI, Permanganate, Diesel Fuel, Benzene, Ozone, Pesticides, Monochloramine, Surfactants, Black Liquor, THM/HAA, Spectral Fingerprints and even more.



Steam and Water Analysis Systems (SWAS) of ABB

The Steam and Water Analysis Systems (SWAS) solutions are designed with worlds best-in-class instrumentation parts to keep the reability of your water steam analysis safe at all times and to protect your plant from corrosion and scaling. As a result, you save maintenance costs, minimize downtime and prolong the operational life for your (power)plant.

Transmitter line of ABB

Transmitter line of ABB

Transmitters for safe and EX zone

The transmitter are designed to be used with minimum expertise or maintenance. Enabling users the ultimate flexibility to expand the transmitter functionality and capacity to meet operational demands. In our product line we have different transmitters to fulfill your demands and needs from safe area to EX zones.

Real BOD and COD field meter

Real BOD and COD field meter

BOD and COD in 5 seconds

The portable UviTec BOD/COD Field Meter provides simple and affordable testing of organic matter in (waste)water output as BOD COD in 5 seconds and without reagents! Accurate and repeatable measurements are obtained in seconds. Features & Benefits- Simple and affordable BOD/COD testing - Easy to use with fast 90 second warm up time - Patented technology - No zeroing to DI water before each test - Long lasting UV and visible LEDs- - Optional Battery Pack - No reagents required