Aquatech Amsterdam Worlds

Aquatech Amsterdam Worlds

The World: from strategy to practice

Aquatech Amsterdam organises Worlds where water professionals, technology & solutions providers and research & knowledge partners will be connected. It is also the place to network with peers and to explore business opportunities.

Round tables, panel discussions, pitches and demos are ideal to exchange knowledge and start the conversation about the challenges in water. With your own unit you can combine your thought leadership in the program with your own spot in the World to connect with the audience.

Each Word is focused on one dedicated topic. These topics are included in the blended approach of Aquatech Amsterdam and are also addressed at our content platform.

Benefits of the Worlds:

  • Be part of the golden triangle - business, buyers and government
  • Dynamic and open business network area
  • Exchange of knowledge and expertise of users and experts
  • Business opportunities in an interacrive way

Interested to participate? Please contact Walter van der Schoot.

Explore the Theme Worlds

Industrial Water and Corporate World

The presentations, round tables and panel discussions on industrial water use are for the industry as well as by the industry, making it the ideal place to network and exchange ideas. With the Industrial & Corporate Water World we want to bridge the gap between Industry demands and solutions provided by equipment providers.

Digital world

Digital Water is the future of the utility industry. Driven by the prospect that smart solutions will save utilities water and money, the industry is gaining momentum. Our Digital World offers visitors a focused hotspot to learn all about the latest trends and technologies in the sector. This world connects water utilities and industrial end users with technology & solution providers and research & knowledge partners. It also the place to network with peers and to explore business opportunities.

Clean Water World

The Clean Water World offers visitors a focussed hotspot to learn all about the latest trends and technologies in the field of desalination. A seminar programme, round table discussions and peer-to-peer meetings with attention for seawater and brackish waterdesalination, as well as industrial wastewater desalination will give you all the insides in the world of clean water.

Wastewater Resources World

The Waste Water & Resources World, offers visitors a focussed hotspot to learn all about the latest trends and technologies. A seminar programme, round table discussions and peer-to-peer meetings with attention for waste water en resources will give you all the insides you need to know.