LANXESS Deutschland GmbH

IX Resins, Adsorbers and Microbial Control

LANXESS is a major global solution provider for liquid purification, with a leading position in ion exchange resins. In addition to our ion exchange resins we offer iron hydroxide adsorbers for water treatment as well as comprehensive solutions for membrane biofouling control. We have more than 80 years of experience in water treatment and purification applications. Make sure to attend our technical presentations at the Aquastage in hall 10 on March 12 and 13 and learn more about our solutions.

Trading regions
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Rep, Chad, Comoros
American Samoa, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada
Aquatech Amsterdam 2025

Kennedyplatz 1 50569 Cologne Germany



View all products
  • Lewatit®


    Ion exchange resins

    LANXESS can look back on more than 80 years of experience in ion exchange resins with its extensive Lewatit® range. The high-performance products are used in numerous industries to treat and purify water and other liquid media.
  • Lewatit® Scopeblue

    Lewatit® Scopeblue

    Sustainably produced ion exchange resins

    Lewatit® Scopeblue ion exchange resins are based on sustainable raw materials following the mass balance approach. The new resins are used primarily for the partial softening of drinking water. The Scopeblue resins have a carbon footprint that is up to 67 percent smaller than conventional types and consist of more than 90 percent renewable raw materials.
  • Bayoxide®


    Iron hydroxide adsorbers

    Bayoxide® E products are designed for purification of water sources in a simple passive pump-and-treat system. They are based on high-quality synthetic iron oxide and distinguish by its ability to selectively remove arsenic from water.
  • LewaPlus®


    Combined calculation and design software

    LewaPlus® allows for planning of ion exchange (IX), reverse osmosis (RO), and ultrafiltration (UF) systems under a variety of system configurations, including some unique process configurations only available with Lewatit® product technology. The design software is unique in the water treatment industry, since it offers not only the possibility to treat one stream after the other (one dimensional) but to design complex treatment systems (two dimensional) with different technologies.



View all news
  • LANXESS’ ion exchange resin for mobile water treatment unit for PFAS removal
    19 November 2024

    LANXESS’ ion exchange resin for mobile water treatment unit for PFAS removal