Water in transition

Strategies for sustainable & resilient water solutions

Why an Integrated Leaders Forum (ILF)?

The Integrated Leaders Forum provides a confidential environment where water sector leaders can openly discuss their challenges and share solutions. By bringing together leaders from cities, industries, and utilities who face similar challenges, this collaborative platform enables peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange under one unified forum. 

Through this meeting of minds, the ILF aims to accelerate innovation and drive transformative change in water management practices. By fostering deep collaboration among diverse city, industry & utility leaders, the ILF aspires to develop breakthrough solutions that enhance water security, advance sustainability, and create lasting positive impact across the global water sector. This collective expertise and shared vision has the potential to shape the future of water management and address our most pressing water challenges.


Please note: The ILF is by invitation only

The Integrated Leaders Forum

The Integrated Leaders Forum (ILF) during Aquatech is an exclusive, invitation-only gathering designed for influential decision makers. This platform brings together leaders from cities, industries, utilities, and financial institutions to set the stage for future water initiatives. 

With the ultimate goal of driving impactful change, the ILF agenda focuses on solutions that leverage water as a critical enabler for sustainable and resilient development. Through keynote speeches, panel debates, workshops and roundtable dialogues, participants will shape an action-oriented roadmap, culminating in new co-operations and actionable agreements.

The ILF emphasises collaboration to advance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to clean water, hunger, climate action, and sustainable infrastructure.

The Water Leadership Trifecta

Where policy, innovation and industry connect

Experience the complete spectrum of water leadership and innovation during Aquatech Amsterdam.

The Integrated Leaders Forum convenes CEOs and high-level decision-makers from both public and private sectors for strategic policy discussions, while the Aquatech Innovation Forum engages CTOs, start-ups and Innovation Directors in exploring cutting-edge solutions and implementation strategies.

Meanwhile, Aquatech Amsterdam, the world's leading water trade show, showcases the latest technologies and facilitates broad industry connections.

This powerful combination creates an unparalleled platform where policy, innovation, and practical solutions converge to shape the future of the global water sector.

logos for ilf

Key themes

water resilience icon
Circular solutions icon
transitions in water icon

Our goals

SDGs, or Sustainable Development Goals, are a set of global goals established by the United Nations (UN) in 2015. ILF strives to make a substantial impact on these SDG’s.

During the ILF, you will meet other leading water professionals in mixed settings.

Mixing and matching helps to create integrated solutions – and improves the process of actionable problem-solving.

our goals-sdg

From challenge to solution 

The Integrated Leaders Forum facilitates a dynamic journey from challenge to solution through its strategically structured roundtable format. During the morning sessions, leaders present their most pressing water challenges, inviting strategic reflection from fellow executives.

This candid exchange of obstacles sets the stage for the afternoon's solution-focused theme sessions, where industry pioneers share innovative approaches.

This progressive format ensures that challenges identified in the morning evolve into actionable solutions by day's end, fostering meaningful collaboration among global water leaders and accelerating practical implementation.

Audience profile

A maximum of 150 attendees at senior executive/director-level are expected.


City Mayors and Vice Mayors 
Water Commissioners/Program Directors
Public Policy Leaders


Water Utility CEOs/Board Members
Infrastructure Planning Directors 
Innovation Directors at Utilities


Sustainability Directors of Major Corporations
Water Technology Company CEOs


Directors of Water Research Institutes
Senior Consultants/Partners 

The board


We are proud to be advised and supported by the following people in the ILF board.

ilf board

Hans Aalderink – IWC
Guy Alaerts – KU Leuven
Monique Bekkenutte – KNW / IWC
Gerard Blom – Deltares
Cees Buisman – WUR
Piet Dircke – Arcadis
Christopher Gasson – GWI
Menno Holterman – Nijhuis Saur Industries
Sjoerd Kerstens – Royal HaskoningDHV
Roelof Kruize
Lykke Leonardsen – City of Copenhagen
Mark van Loosdrecht – TU Delft

Veronica Manfredi – EU (tbc)
Gritta Nottelman – Unie van Waterschappen
Johan Oost – Wetskills Foundation
Frodo van Oostveen – Wereld Waternet
Luuk Rietveld – TU Delft
Huub Rijnaarts – WUR
Heleen Sombekke – Utwente – TKI
Nora Sutton – WUR
Rik Thijssen – Vitens
Henk Jan Top – Accenture
Eleanor Treadwell - Afreau

Afbeeldingen ILF


  • Vewin
  • Vitens
  • unie van waterschappen
  • World waternet
  • Accenture

Interested in sponsoring?

Maximise your organisation's visibility among the water sector's most influential decision-makers.

The Integrated Leaders Forum brings together C-level executives, utility directors, mayors, and industry leaders for intimate, solution-focused discussions shaping the future of water management.

As a sponsor, you will engage directly with key stakeholders through exclusive networking events, targeted roundtable sessions, and the Leaders Dinner.

Walter van der Schoot
Senior Sales Consultant

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