Yossi Yaacoby
Yossi Yaacoby
A Chemical Engineer, an international expert and lecturer on water treatment with extensive experience in technologies and innovation for water and wastewater treatment, desalination, pumping equipment, pipe works, water supply systems, and a long track record in carrying out large scale water supply projects in Israel and overseas.
Director of WaTech® (since January 2010) - Mekorot’s ® Entrepreneurship & Partnership Center for Water Technologies – a unique program that supports the development of innovative water technology solutions.
Headed numerous innovative ventures in the water industry in collaboration with start-up companies and applied research in cooperation with the academia and research institutes in Israel and abroad as well as being responsible for promoting the field of intellectual property.
Chairman of WATEC Israel 2015 - the Water Technology & Environment Control Exhibition & Conference in Israel, attended by more than 10,000 visitors and160 exhibitors.