Industrial water treatment focuses on biofilm removal in closed-loop water systems, wastewater odor control, and micropollutant removal using advanced oxidation processes (AOP), among other applications. Traditionally, chlorine and hydrogen peroxide are used for water treatment, but hydrogen peroxide is often the superior choice, as it does not increase water salinity or leave harmful chemical byproducts.


HPNow, a Danish water treatment technology company, has introduced the world’s first onsite peroxide generator, pioneering Onsite Green Oxidation. This breakthrough makes water treatment safer, more efficient, and more sustainable. Using only water, air, and electricity, it generates ultra-pure peroxide on demand and in the exact quantity needed. After water treatment, it naturally breaks down into pure water and oxygen, leaving no byproducts behind.


Join us for this session to discover how onsite-generated peroxide can transform water treatment at your facility.

DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250312T180200 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250311T111500 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250311T120000 LOCATION:AquaStage Hall 10 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en_us:HPNow The Role of Onsite Oxidation in Circular Water Treatment TRANSP:TRANSPARENT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR